Fundamental analysis, along with technical analysis, can also be used to forecast changes in currency and stock quotes. Its meaning lies in the analysis of various economic and production indicators that can affect the quotes of financial instruments.
For example, the price of a company`s shares is seriously affected by the publication of annual reports, news of a new contract, the entry into force of a regulatory law, and so on. To keep your finger on the pulse, you need to constantly analyze such information.
Financial news

Market-makers has built-in tools for fundamental analysis - financial news and an economic calendar. Right in the platform there is a structured news feed from global news agencies. It receives dozens of messages every day about national and global events that affect stock and currency quotes. Financial news allows you to stay informed and make timely trading decisions.
It is worth noting that in fundamental analysis, not only the fact of a message is important, but also its meaning. For example, after a speech by a politician, the exchange rate of the national currency of that country can go either up or down - it all depends on the content of his speech. Each message must be analyzed individually. And in Market-makers there is no problem with this - the news feed quickly provides you with all the necessary information.
Economic calendar

The second tool of fundamental analysis is the economic calendar. It publishes macroeconomic indicators - indicators of the state of the economies of different countries for which they are calculated. Based on them, it is possible to predict the trend of price movements.
In the calendar, along with the time of the upcoming event, the predicted values of the indicator are also published. In addition, the period for which the financial report is issued or the date of its release is indicated.
Using fundamental analysis, you can predict various events in the stock and currency markets. The Marketmakers platform`s built-in tools have you covered - use them to improve your trading performance!